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    Agni Institute
    A Non-Profit Scientific Educational Organization
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    Agni Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit scientific educational organization.
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Agni Institute Programs

Our Purpose

Our main purpose is to spread an understanding of the Teaching of Agni Yoga. Agni Yoga aims at expanding and fully awakening the human consciousness so as to bring the greatest benefit to the greatest number of beings.

At Agni Institute, we put its counsels into practice through our program work, which fosters a sense of personal and community strength, achievement, and resilience. We are all volunteers here, each undergoing our own personal journey of self-transformation, self-discovery, and growth of consciousness. Together, we produce material such as books, videos, collaborative websites, and recordings, and we organize meditation retreats and meditation practicums to spread the practice of meditation.

Outreach and engagement with the public happen as a natural result of our program work. We have programs where we do our own research and other programs that are more collaborative and invite others to participate (as citizen scientists, for example). We design and offer up experiments given in the Teaching of Agni Yoga that can be done at home (our Collaborative Research program), or that can be done while asleep (our Subtle Realm program).

Our Relationship Explained

Agni Institute and Agni Yoga

Offerings to the public of Agni Yoga publications as well as preservation and dissemination of writings are under way. This includes dialogues focused on deepening an understanding of Agni Yoga as well realizing its pursuit as a natural part of one's daily lifestyle. Activities include ongoing discussions focused on various topics and aspects of practicing inner yogas, broadening of consciousness and the blossoming of heart and awareness. Understanding, developing and sustaining methods of meditation and personal striving are provided through discussions, periodic sittings and meditation retreats. Ongoing mentoring and support are a foundational aspect of this work.

Although we at Agni Institute take inspiration from the writings and teachings of Agni Yoga the Institute is not officially affiliated with any organization. The writings of Agni Yoga are owned by the Roerich Museum of New York, and are provided by them free of charge on the sole condition that no modifications will be introduced by any third party.


Thousands of suggestions for beneficial research are present in the texts of Agni Yoga. The research group at AI is engaged in establishing and carrying out viable experiments to pursue these suggestions. These are intended to verify the reality of aspects of nature alluded to in the texts and to determine ways to apply them beneficially. Research will follow established protocols and methods and will be graded according to the skill of the participants into enthusiast, citizen scientist or career industrial/academic investigator. An open-source approach will be taken, collaborators may live in any country and mentoring is expected to be a standard aspect of exchange.

Developments and updates are in progress.

Exploration of the Subtle Realm

This ongoing work is dedicated to a practical exploration and understanding of consciousness during sleep. Please visit its dedicated site via the link above.


Basic, introductory concepts related to the sublte realm. Thesee include answers to such questions as: are dreams real? Where do we go when we dream? Are the people I see in my dreams real people who are also dreaming at the same time? What is astral projection? Are out-of-body experiences real?

Discussion Forums

A place where users of diverse backgrounds come together to share experiences and ask questions about those experiences. Form relationships with other dreamers from around the world.

Experiments in Group Dreaming

Soon we will begin organizing group dreaming experiments. Teams of people will share a common goal to meet somewhere in the subtle realm while we are asleep and report our findings within our website. Other groups have had varying levels of success with this type of experimentation and we want to try to replicate their results.

Review of Materials

Our team regularly reviews books, scientific articles, tools and apps, movies, and products which inform the public on lucid dreaming, out-of-body exploration, and life after death.

Glossary of Terms

Aside from our research into modern western studies in consciousness, a lot of our research comes from ancient Eastern philosophies like Buddhism and yogic texts. Consequently, we use several terms that require layman explanations for our readers.


We post our thoughts and ideas related to dreaming, culture, medicine, and news related to the subtle realm.

Promotional Video


We are all volunteers here. Each one of us knows we can contribute something different to the common goal of sharing the knowledge being acquired through the research sponsored by Agni Institute, so we are all contributing in our own way. We are getting and staying engaged with the work in order to help the common good, which is our main motivation. We hope to inspire others to do the same!

Meet Our Team

Our Board of Directors

Kerry Kelley, President, is one of the founding members of the Agni Institute, serving on the board from 2009 until 2013 as Secretary and Director. Kerry holds a Master of Science Degree from the Department of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences at UMASS, Amherst.

She is currently a Research Laboratory Operations Manager at the Yilmaz lab at the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT. Their research includes the study of stem cell self-regeneration in the intestine and how diet may influence cancer development. She joined MIT in 2008, first conducting Drosophila (fruit fly) telomere research for the Pardue Lab, and then investigating Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) endoplasmic reticulum biochemistry for the Kaiser Lab.

Kerry brings her longtime interest in biological science, the environment, and humanitarian issues to Agni Institute in the hopes of a more balanced and enlightened world.

Maggie Bailey, Treasurer, is one of the founding members of the Agni Institute, serving as its first President, and later as Secretary; she currently serves as the Treasurer.

Maggie is the Executive Director of We Plant it Forward. Founded as a program of the Agni Institute, We Plant it Forward has spun off as a stand-alone nonprofit organization. We Plant it Forward, under Maggie’s leadership, continues to preserve and restore the natural environment for the benefit of future generations through hands-on activities, community engagement, and environmental education bringing harmony to all life.

Hector Ramos, Secretary, joined the board of the Agni Institute in 2020. He has served as the webmaster for Agni Institute and all of its associated projects since 2017.

Hector holds a Bachelor's degree in computer science and a Masters' degree in computational biology. He has worked for over a decade in biotech and biomedical research supporting proteomics and cancer research. Hector currently works in the travel industry as a lead software engineer.

Hector continues to be fascinated by all aspects of life and brings his inquisitiveness to the Agni Institute to help broaden our understanding of human consciousness.

Brian Powell, Director, joined the board of the Agni Institute in 2020. Brian has a background in commercial and biomedical photography. He has a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of British Columbia and a Master of Social Work from Smith College. Brian is a certified EMDR Trauma Therapist working with individuals with Complex PTSD.

He will be pursuing research into the imaging characterization and use of ultra-weak photon emissions in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum radiated by metabolically active systems in humans, animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. He is interested in exploring the identification of indicators of health or disease based on the characteristics of ultraviolet photon radiations.

Paul Williams, Director, joined the board of the Agni Institute in 2024. He brings with him over 15 years of international experience in project management and business development in the Republic of Ireland, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ghana.

During this time, he has had extensive experience in project planning, project delivery, financial budgeting, team building, contract management, technology procurement, and investment sourcing, for various projects both commercial and philanthropic.

Paul is involved in project planning and implementation in several sectors including energy, agriculture, health, and the commercial sector, to facilitate the launching of projects that would be of benefit to local populations in the various environments where he has worked.

He has extensive experience in providing consultancy in the public and private sectors, at national and provincial governmental levels, and has successfully secured financing for a number of projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ghana.

Paul works on the board of the Agni Institute in advancing its goals. He is committed to bringing benefit to as many people as possible.

Matthew Breuer, Director, recently joined the board of Agni Institute after Quantal Research and AI merged in late 2022. Matthew is a co-founder and has been a long-term member of the Board of Advisers for the Agni Institute. He has an MS in Physics from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and has been engaged in the research, design and development of particle detectors used in scientific instrumentation for nearly 20 years. He was a co-founder of Quantal Research, a Western Massachusetts-based environmentally conscious research group investigating ways to improve electrical power generation.

He was a co-founder of the original Center for Peace through Culture based in New York City and served in various capacities including board member for seven years, three of those as president, and also was manager of the science group. He holds a BA in art from Lehman College (1979). Matthew has pursued studies of Agni Yoga and practical application of eastern philosophy for most of his life. He brings to the Agni Institute a long-standing interest in building bridges between esoteric philosophies and rigorous science such that both are enhanced.


The Agni Institute was created out of the inspiration and vision of a future founded on universal harmony. It is based on giving aid and mutual support as we work together to create well-being and sustainable abundance for all. It relies on the will to create good that lives in the hearts and minds of those who have the courage to make their vision a living reality.
Our goal is
to offer a place where ideals may be aspired to and realized for the benefit of humanity, the environment, and the planet as a whole. This includes a place where service and research are combined with genuine concern for our fellow beings.
We strive with passion
to produce projects and works that inspire, uplift, and transform our world into a place of beauty, justice, and equality.
We endeavor to
preserve and contribute to pan-human culture while we labor to understand the workings of natural law in the physical world and in the growth of the human spirit.

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